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Mastering Chrome DevTools: A Guide to Boosting Your Lighthouse Score and Page Load Time

📖 7 min read

How to Use Chrome DevTools for Improving Lighthouse Score and Page Load


If you're looking to improve the performance of your website, one of the best tools available is Chrome DevTools. This powerful suite of tools allows you to analyze the performance of your website, identify any issues, and take steps to optimize your website for faster page load times.

In this article, we'll take a look at some of the most useful features of Chrome DevTools and how you can use them to improve your website's Lighthouse score and page load times.

1. Chrome DevTools Overview

Chrome DevTools is a suite of tools built into the Google Chrome browser that allows you to inspect and debug websites. The tools are accessible via the browser's Developer Tools menu and provide a range of useful features for analyzing and optimizing website performance.

2. Inspect Element

The Inspect Element tool in Chrome DevTools allows you to inspect the HTML and CSS of your website. You can use this tool to identify any issues with your website's structure or layout, and make changes in real-time to see how they affect the appearance of your website.

To use Inspect Element, simply right-click on any element on your website and select Inspect. You will then see a panel showing the HTML and CSS for that element.

3. Console

The Console in Chrome DevTools allows you to run JavaScript commands and view any errors or warnings that occur on your website. This is a particularly useful tool for debugging JavaScript and identifying any issues that may be slowing down your website.

To access the Console, simply navigate to the Console tab in Chrome DevTools. You can then enter any JavaScript commands you want to run and view any errors or warnings that are displayed.

4. Sources

The Sources tab in Chrome DevTools allows you to debug and analyze the JavaScript code on your website. You can use this tool to set breakpoints, step through code, and identify any performance issues that may be caused by your JavaScript code.

To use the Sources tab, navigate to the tab and select the JavaScript file you want to analyze. You can then use the tools provided to debug and analyze your code.

5. Elements

The Elements tab in Chrome DevTools provides a visual representation of your website's HTML structure. You can use this tool to identify any issues with your website's structure or layout and make changes in real-time to see how they affect the appearance of your website.

To use the Elements tab, simply navigate to the tab and select any element on your website. You can then use the tools provided to make changes to the HTML and CSS and see how they affect the appearance of your website.

6. Network Tab

The Network tab in Chrome DevTools allows you to analyze how your website interacts with network requests. You can see all the requests made by the website and view details such as the size of the request, how long it took to load, and the type of request made.

To improve page load times, you need to reduce the size and number of network requests made by your website. You can use the Network tab to identify any unnecessary or inefficient requests that can be removed or optimized.

To get started with the Network tab, simply navigate to the tab and refresh your website. You will see a list of all the network requests made by your website.

7. Performance Tab

The Performance tab in Chrome DevTools allows you to record and analyze the performance of your website. This tab is particularly useful for identifying performance bottlenecks, such as long-running scripts or excessive CPU usage.

To use the Performance tab, navigate to the tab and click the Record button. This will start recording the performance of your website. Once you have finished recording, you can analyze the results.

8. Auditing network activity

Chrome DevTools allows us to audit the network activity of our website and analyze the resources that are being loaded, such as images, stylesheets, scripts, and fonts. The network activity panel shows us the list of all the resources that have been loaded, along with their type, size, and timing.

By analyzing this data, we can identify resources that are taking a long time to load or that are too large and can be optimized. We can also check whether the resources are being served with the correct caching headers and compression.

To access the network activity panel, we can go to the "Network" tab in Chrome DevTools. We can then reload the page and observe the network activity. The resources that are being loaded will appear in the list, and we can sort them by various criteria, such as size, type, and timing.

We can also use the filter bar to search for specific resources or types of resources. For example, we can filter the list to show only images or scripts. By doing so, we can easily identify the resources that are contributing the most to the page load time and optimize them accordingly.

9. Analyzing JavaScript performance

JavaScript is a powerful language that can add a lot of interactivity and functionality to our websites. However, poorly optimized JavaScript can also be a major contributor to slow page load times.

Chrome DevTools provides a number of tools for analyzing JavaScript performance and identifying bottlenecks. One of these tools is the "Performance" tab, which shows us a timeline of the page's activity, including JavaScript events, layout and rendering, and network activity.

By analyzing this timeline, we can identify which parts of our JavaScript code are taking the longest to execute and optimize them accordingly. We can also use the "Flame Chart" view to visualize the call stack and identify functions that are causing performance issues.

Another tool for analyzing JavaScript performance is the "Coverage" tab, which shows us how much of our JavaScript code is actually being used by the page. By identifying unused code, we can reduce the size of our JavaScript files and improve page load times.

10. Testing on different devices and network conditions

Finally, it's important to test our website on a variety of devices and network conditions to ensure that it performs well for all users. Chrome DevTools makes it easy to simulate different devices and network conditions and test our website's performance under these conditions.

To simulate a different device, we can go to the "Device Toolbar" in Chrome DevTools and select a device from the dropdown menu. This will resize the viewport to match the device's screen size and emulate its user agent and other features.

To simulate a different network condition, we can use the "Throttling" dropdown menu in the network activity panel. This allows us to simulate different network speeds, such as 3G, 4G, or offline. By doing so, we can test how our website performs under different network conditions and optimize it accordingly.

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In this blog post, we've explored some of the ways in which Chrome DevTools can help us improve our website's performance and achieve a higher Lighthouse score. By auditing our website's performance, analyzing network activity, optimizing JavaScript code, and testing on different devices and network conditions, we can ensure that our website is fast, efficient, and user-friendly.

Remember, website performance is not a one-time task, it's a continuous process. Regularly monitoring and optimizing the performance of our website can help us provide a better user experience and achieve better search engine rankings.